of incarcerated men advocacy (WIMA) is an initiative that enables women to
remain firm as the pillars of the family unit for both their children and their
spouses who are behind bars during incarceration. WIMA as one of the projects
run by AFIFA provides the following services to women, just to mention a few;
legal counsel and representation through courts and ADR, income generating
activities, safe house, shelter construction and renovation, mother and child
health services, skills and leadership training, psychological counseling and
support groups units.
AFIFA envisions a WIMA support group with its mentor/moderator in
each sub-county in the four counties of operation (Kakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma
and Busia). Within the few months of operation, Kakamega County has had
operational support group meetings. These meetings are held once every month,
beginning 25th Jan 2023, these meetings have turned out to be
helpful to these women. They are now working on sourcing for funds to begin
their first income-generating activity in leather works. A total of 15 women
have been reached through the support group initiative, in Butere sub-county,
Kakamega County-Kenya. We hope to reach out to more women and families as we
get more funding.