at the depth to which perception has been distorted by society with regard to
the family (Women and children) of incarcerated men, any thought of meaningful
transformation might seem insurmountable. That is what it felt like looking at
the abandoned dilapidated structure referred to as "the old
slaughterhouse" when AFIFA had it as the only available space to come up
with a national organization office.
what would later be The AFIFA house
Many who saw the humble beginnings scoffed and jeered away. We were not cowered. We braved the taunts, the elements and the blisters. We withstood the long hours and mixed the mortar with our sweat. We believed in the cause. It buoyed our faith and determination. With persistence, the old look stunningly changed. The community curiously and excitedly started coming into the compound to marvel at the transition. There then followed the shift in attitude towards the place into a celebrated structure.
currently The AFIFA house that also hosts ShalomYah D.E.C
It is this object lesson that gives hope in the quest of palliating the adverse effects of incarceration upon the family with special reference to women and children. The determination made it in structure. It will definitely make it in strategy.