Advocacy for incarcerated families (AFIFA) with its registered address 50-50105 Bukura, Kenya, was registered on 8th July 2022 in accordance with the Kenya NGO coordination act of 1990.
Kakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma, and Busia Counties
Families (Women and Children) of the incarcerated
Advocacy for incarcerated families (AFIFA), arose from observations noted in the course of interacting with the Korinda correctional facility in Busia County Kenya, as a Discharge Board member in late 2018.Volunteer service as part of the ex-convict community reintegration team, revealed the extreme suffering families of incarcerated men were undergoing which escaped the notice of many service providers. The situation was made worse by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic with its death tolls, terror and restrictions. In 2020 a 5 member Board of Trustees of common interest people was put together and the registration process begun following development of a proposed constitution, policies and a budget. It was not until July 8th 2022 that the NGO Coordination Board cleared AFIFA for registration. On 18th October 2022, the State department of Correctional services (Kenya Prison Service) issued AFIFA an access permit requesting the Officers in charge of the main male Prisons in each county through the Regional commander of Prisons-Western region, to facilitate liaison of AFIFA with their welfare services for the good of inmate families.
Having no ready funds, the Board of Trustees, enlisted the services of volunteers who were then regarded as “the secretariat” and leased office space and equipment from a partnering Daycare and ECD Center (ShalomYah D.E.C) for integrated education. The “Secretariat” subsequently went through induction and the offices commissioned on 16th December2022
With the help of friends and well-wishers. The beginning of the year 2023 saw the putting together of the first 10 member support group of Wives of Incarcerated Men Advocacy (WIMA), the launching of awareness creation campaign among the National government Administrative Officers (NGAO) and the reaching out to various like-minded organizations for possible collaboration in the furtherance of AFIFA objectives.
Palliating the backlash of incarceration on the family (women and children) through improvement of access to quality education, welfare, relief from poverty, promotion of human rights and good governance.
Resilient community-incubated families with innovative approaches to absorb and positively adapt to the adverse effects of incarceration and participate actively in nation building.
Compassion, justice, integrity, collaboration, transparency.
Sustainable development, Human rights, Equality and Equity, Child and adult education, Women empowerment.
i) Influencing policies through advocacy.
ii) Child education support through sponsorship and supply of school uniforms.
iii) Networking through partnership with like-minded organizations,
iv) Monitoring and evaluation through intervention research,
v) Participatory planning and implementation,
vi) Capacity building and awareness creation through Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organization and Self-help groups,
vii) Food security through improved Agricultural productivity and livelihood together with host school lunch initiative,
viii) Psychosocial support through peer support-groups and psychological counseling
ix) Connectivity and belonging through pen-pals and exchange programs.
x) Family economic empowerment through income generating activities
xi) Talent identification and development through the after school program.
xii) Defending rights of the incarcerated families through legal representation.
i) Counselors
ii) Social science experts
iii) Educators
iv) Community social workers
v) Psychologists
vi) Spiritual leaders,
vii) Accountants,
viii) Human resource experts
ix) Researchers
x) Mediators
xi) Health Personnel
xii) Legal experts
xiii) Hospitality personnel
xiv) Security personnel
xv) Information Technology (IT) experts
i) Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)
ii) Mediation Training Institute (MTI) East Africa
iii) Department of Gender and social services
iv) Child welfare services
v) Human rights Agencies
vi) Ministry of Education
vii) Association of Counselors
viii) Department of correction services
ix) Law Society of Kenya (LSK)
x) ShalomYah Daycare and ECDE Center Bukura